2022 White Paper – Making Performance Related Pay Work for You

Download your copy of our free white paper.  It’s full of everything we’ve learned from our experience and our research.  The paper is a great tool to kick start conversations with your team about using pay to drive performance and productivity


Our White Paper will help all those involved in the design, negotiation or implementation of Performance Related Pay (PRP) programmes in organisations.

Click to view our short video extracts detailing key aspects of the White Paper

The ideas and evidence shared in the paper will help inform the reward policies developed by Performance & Reward professionals, HR and OD professionals, and Senior Leadership teams.

Union negotiators, entrepreneurs and public sector policy makers may also find much to value when aiming for positive links between pay, performance, and organisation results.

The paper explores the relationships between pay, motivation and performance at work, examining the academic and research case studies, dating from the 1950s to the present day. The research is followed by case examples of organisations who have made significant changes to performance related pay.


Check out our tailored 2-hour workshop for Chief People Officers, Heads of Reward, HRDs and all involved in making decisions about pay and performance.

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